
imagination - creativity - investigation

Our traditional plant breeding methodology mimics what nature has been doing for centuries; cross pollination by wind and insects. Our hands-on, practical approach to oat breeding has enabled us to develop a stream lined, deliberate process to accomplish our innovative goals. We have spent the past 14 years developing our own vision for the western Canadian oat crop; quality oat varieties that serve the needs of large farms and the big milling industry and small farms and unique and valuable situations.

ORe6251M - Oat Advantage variety
Our first variety ORe6251M is gaining good traction and purpose in organic milling oat production! With super early maturity, amazing grain quality, and good yield for its early category, ORe6251M will make its grower and millers smile. Try it out with inter-cropping!

Creating a new community network with ORe6251M
We are working with a small group of Saskatchewan oat growers to promote, sell, and distribute this oat variety. Read more on our Partnership page.
See below for contract information for buying and selling ORe6251M.

ORe3541M & ORe3542M - SeCan

Our two, big impact, milling oat varieties with SeCan - ORe3541M & ORe3542M, are being found on many acres and in a growing number of oat mills. Nicknamed 41M & 42M, they appear on over 200,000 acres in western Canada! They are in a superior class of top performing oats for a long list of things: very high kernel uniformity, high grain quality, great yield, very good lodging resistance, good disease resistance, very low waste (dockage), easy cleaning, etc. 

Our high quality oats such as 41M & 42M produce less greenhouse gases in transportation and milling. These varieties are more uniform and cleaner than the average oat variety, so every load by truck or railcar transports much less waste.

ORe Level48 & ORe Level50 - Seed Depot Corporation

Continuing on in our Oat Research series (ORe), two oat varieties for the near future are ‘Oats Refined’. Our pathway in oat breeding is to find the characteristics in our oat populations, our oat genetics, that provide high value to our oat growers, oat millers and oat consumers.  ORe Level48 & ORe Level50 provide more of the chemistry that we are looking for in the kernel. Along with the superior kernel uniformity that we are “demanding” of all our oat lines, and of course all the necessary agronomic characteristics, these two oat lines have more dietary fibre (beta-glucan), and total digestible fibre. ORe Level48 & ORe Level50 are marketed by Seed Depot Corporation.


our varieties

ORe3541M - SeCan

ORe3541M  is a medium maturing,  strong yielding,  high quality milling oat with disease resistance that makes it well placed for general production across western Canada. Read more.


ORe3542M - SeCan

ORe3542M  is a medium maturing,  strong yielding,  high quality milling oat with excellent lodging resistance. ORe3542M is suited for general production in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Read more.

ORe Level48 - Seed Depot Corporation

ORe Level48 is a medium maturing, strong yielding, high quality milling oat with good lodging resistance. ORe Level48 is suited for general production across western Canada. Read more.

ORe Level50 - Seed Depot Corporation

ORe Level50 is a medium maturing, strong yielding, high quality milling oat with excellent lodging resistance. ORe Level50 is suited for general production across western Canada. Read more.

ORe6251M - Oat Advantage

ORe6251M is a very early maturing, high quality milling oat product intended for the non rust, parkland areas of western Canada, where a short growing season is the norm. Read more.


Organic Grower Larry Marshall in field of ORe6251M.


This is Oat Advantage’s own Variety and we are working to distribute ORe6251M through a partnership network. See our Partnership page.

Download Contract.





Here’s Oat Advantage’s oat line naming philosophy

The oat line OT6008 is one of the first lines out of our oat breeding program and will be in the “OAT RESEARCH” series. The variety will be named ORe3541M.  The prefix ORe will be in all oat lines coming out of the Oat Advantage program.

Simply put, “Oat Research” is a grouping of our first breeding strategies and efforts to bring new innovation to oats.

 ORe3541M is the registered name for OT6008 (309CM109) oat line from Oat Advantage.

 Very good lodging resistance:    3 on a scale of 1 best to 9 worst.

Medium maturity:                     5 on a scale of 1 earliest to 9 latest.

Above average yield:                 4 on a scale of 1 highest to 9 lowest.

The last number:                                    1 in the series of this agronomic type.

                                                M for milling.